We’re walk along the path down through the woods, towards Rena di Matteu, and we feel the scent of the pines. The sun is already hot, in the early hours of the morning, even if a gentle breeze makes the path most pleasant.
The main road to Santa Teresa, crossed by numerous cars this season, is only a memory behind us. Now there is only nature all around… And there, in front of us, we know that a new beach is waiting for us. It’s a new discovery, a beach that we had never seen before. As we proceed, we see the sea in the distance among the bushes: an enchanted view that gives us a foretaste of our arrival, leading us to wonder what lies ahead.
We can think of another beach nearby, which we know well: the magnificent Rena Majore.
a) Rena Majore
Rena Majore is the widest beach (the name means precisely “major beach”) in the stretch of coast between the promontory of Capo Testa (near Santa Teresa di Gallura) and the Monti Russu. In this area, uncontrolled overbuilding has spared beaches area, so this has allowed to preserve the environmental original features.
Although Rena Majore is easily accessible from the road leading down from a tourist resort, the beach seems to be fully immersed in nature, thanks to the hills and dunes that surround it and the cliffs that enclose the northern and southern parts.
A small bump breaks Rena Majore in two distinct sections: the northern part shows the greater expanse of white sand; all around you can see soft lines of the dunes that go inland, along the last stretch of a small brook. The southern one has instead a sandy shore tighter, picked up by an impressive group of vertical rocks to the south; in this part there is a small kiosk.
The sand is fine, bright. The seabed descends gradually and the sea is suitable for everyone. The clear water and the presence of some rocks, near the cliffs, give lovely colors to the sea…
But we must abandon the memories of Rena Majore, because we’re almost arrived…
b) Rena di Matteu
After about twenty minutes of walking, the path has led us to the top of a group of cliffs, before descending gradually to the left towards Rena di Matteu.
The first visual impact is very strong: the pale sand, the wild vegetations of the Mediterranean, the sea with innumerable shades of blue … It seems a small, wilder, Rena Majori.
The long journey has awarded us with this great view, but perhaps it has discouraged the laziest travelers: despite the high season in Sardinia, the beach is far from crowded.
We go down toward the shore to learn more about this beach and even to take some photos.
We find that the seabed quickly becomes deeper, than at Rena Majore: you will have to pay more attention to swim, with not completely calm sea.
But now it’s time for us to enjoy this beach, hoping that the pictures can convey, at least in part, the appeal of this place.
1 Comment
Stacia · December 28, 2017 at 3:28 am
Great site. Just had a quick read.
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