The name “Sardinia 4 Emotions” comes from the desire to explore Sardinia through a journey made of emotions.

Emotions: 4 pics about Sardinia

Seasons, elements, emotions…

Winter is the season of expectation, when the earth rests, waiting for the rebirth of life. Winter in Sardinia is also the best time to feel the breath of nature and to discover incredible and green landscapes.

Spring in Sardinia is a time of surprises; it’s a different season every year but always full of colors and charm. As the months go by, the green of the fields changes into gold, thousands of colorful flowers appear on the hills and the sea shows its deep blue soul.

Summer in Sardinia is the holiday season and these months mean joy for many tourists. The warm sun and the hours of light allow you to appreciate many aspects of the island: beaches and mountains, local cuisine, seasonal events, and so on…

Autumn autumn is accompanied by the delicate wind of nostalgia, bringing out memories of the summer holidays. The days are shorter and the colors vary from yellow to red and to brown. This is also the period of harvest, celebrated with traditional festivals in many villages of the island.