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View of Tavolara

Tavolara island, panorama from San Teodoro beach

With the post of today we visit some beaches in the area of San Teodoro, not far from Olbia. A peculiarity of the coast in this area is the presence in any panorama of the striking silhouette of the Tavolara island.

1- La Cinta (Google Maps)
2- Budoni (Google Maps)

Tavolara island

The island of Tavolara is a strip of land almost entirely occupied by a long and massive mountain with rocky slopes.
This impressive limestone massif (six kilometers long and one wide) exceeds five hundred meters of altitude. It is therefore a promontory, clearly visible from the distance, which in the past was used as a Landmark by sailors.
You can reach the island by ferry. Access to the northern area of the island is not permitted, due to the presence of military base; instead, in the southern part, you can visit the wonderful sandy area of the Splmatore di Terra peninsula. Here there are several beaches and you can dive or also you can hike in the nature.

Both the island and the nearby coastline of Sardinia are included in the protected natural park of Tavolara and Punta Coda Cavallo.
The beaches in this area are very beautiful and various; some consist of long stretches of sand, others are located in choreographic coves. We have chosen to see two extremely fascinating places; but surely the visitor who wants to explore the region will find other charming locations.

La Cinta beach near San Teodoro

La Cinta beach is certainly one of the most famous in the area of San Teodoro; the landscape is marvelous, the turquoise sea is very attractive and the fine sandy strip is so long! The panorama is also enriched by the pond of San Teodoro, at the side of the beach, surrounded by dunes and Mediterranean scrub. To the north, the peninsula of Puntaldia encloses the beautiful bay with shallow waters and, behind it, you can see the silhouette of the promontory of Tavolara.

We chose to relax for a few hours by the sea, before starting a pleasant walk along the shoreline.
The first part is crowded, near the car park at San Teodoro and not so far from bars and restaurants; as we move away, we can find more quiet places in a natural environmet that leaves you astonished!

Budoni Beach

Another nice and accessible beach is that of Budoni.
Even in this case, we found a very long stretch of white sand in evocative environment, but less majestic than that of La Cinta. A part of the four miles of sandy beach are located near the buildings of Budoni and tourist villages; anyway other parts are surrounded by dunes, little rivers and small ponds.
Crystalline waters and shallow backdrops invite us to have a fun bath.
And when our eyes move in the north direction, they meet in the distance the superb skyline of Tavolara.